Srs. Andrea & Charlotte Lee
Program Leaders

  • Sister Andrea Westkamp, OSB, joined the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia after 25 years in a Franciscan Missionary congregation. Her experiences comprise spiritual direction and retreat work, especially directed retreats. She has ministered as spiritual assistant of Secular Franciscans as well as given vocation retreats for young adults. Sister Andrea has conducted workshops on prayer, meditation, and the creative arts. She holds a Masters in Pastoral Counseling and a certificate in Spiritual Direction.

  • Sister Charlotte Lee, OSB, joined the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia after 23 years of marriage and raising a family. She has facilitated Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina groups for more than 15 years.  She is a retreat leader, spiritual director, co-director of the monastery Oblate program and works with those in 12-Step recovery.  She was also the Director of Pastoral Care Services at All Saints Catholic Church in Manassas, Virginia.

  • Barb McAdams is a retreat director with BPC with a specialty in the ever popular Confirmation and First Communion Retreats. She has been a Catechist for over 30 years and has worked with both Teens and Adults . In addition she has conducted workshops on Creative Catechetics at numerous Catechetical Conferences and has taught methodology classes for the Master Catechesis Program for the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

  • Ana Santorini has practiced spiritual direction since 1995. She is experienced in leading the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, retreats, pilgrimages, and scripture studies. She writes books in support of the spiritual journey, holds a Masters in Theological Studies. She has lived overseas, including in the Holy Land, and has also been a hermit. Ana is the mother of an international social justice advocate, an officer and combat veteran in the Army and is the grandmother of two. She desires to live a contemplative life in service of those who seek—or struggle with—God. Currently Ana is participating in a Live-In Program with the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia.

  • Stephen Palmer has been involved in retreats, spiritual direction and teaching theology. He has worked for the National Catholic Educational Association and the Peace Corps. He has a Masters in Religious Education and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology.

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